Students » Working Papers Request Form

Working Papers Request Form

Working Papers Request Form:
If you are under the age of 18 in New York State, you cannot get a job without obtaining your Working Papers, which are issued by your school.
We have a secure Google Form that will allow you to upload pictures of all of the documents required for working papers. This will make it much easier to request working papers from your phone or iPad! Once you have pictures of all of the documents you need, click on the link below to fill out the Working Papers Request Form. You need to log into your DOE account to access the form and submit your request.
Working Papers Request Form:
Here are the documents required in order for us to issue your Working Papers: 
1) The working papers form attached on this tab, with only PART 1 Completed and signed by your parent. Please print it and have your parent sign - you can use the printers in the library or come by room 342 to pick up a copy of the application.  
2) A letter from your doctor's office stating that you are in good health and physically fit to work, or a copy of your NYS Physical Fitness Certification form.  If you have been to the doctor in the last few months, you can call them and let them know you need a working papers letter. They usually have forms that they will quickly fill out and tell you to come pick up in their office or they will mail it to your house. If you haven’t been to the doctor recently, then you might need to make an appointment. Make sure to tell the doctor that you need a letter for working papers.
3) A photo ID with your birthdate on it. (passport, NY state ID, green card, etc) This ID cannot be expired. If you do not have a photo ID with your birthdate on it, then you need to upload a picture of your birth certificate with your RHHS ID next to it. 
Once we receive and approve your request, we will email you to come pick up your Working Papers in room 342.  
Best regards,
Ms. Camacho & Ms. Cosma