Students » Student Expectations

Student Expectations

Richmond Hill High School Student Expectations
As a Richmond Hill High School student, I am aware that the following is expected of me. It is expected of me to…
  • Be prepared for all classes and attend school regularly and punctually.
  • Make every effort to achieve success in all areas of my education.
  • Behave in a manner that contributes to a safe learning environment and which does not violate other students’ right to learn.
  • Be polite, courteous, and respectful towards others.
  • Follow school regulations regarding entering and leaving the classroom, school building and campus; carry valid school ID at all times.
  • Help maintain a school environment that is free of weapons, illegal drugs, controlled substances and alcohol.
  • Be truthful and cooperative towards students, teachers, and other staff.
  • Use non-confrontational methods to resolve conflicts.
  • Respect school property and respect the property of others, both private and public.
  • Adhere to the guidelines established for dress and activities in physical education classes, and laboratories.
  • Be familiar with the school Discipline Code and abide by school rules and regulations.
  • Keep Parents/Guardians informed of school-related matters, including progress in school, social and educational events, and ensure that parents receive communications that are provided by school staff.