Parents » Updates for Families

Updates for Families

September 2024

Dear Families,

We have some important news to share regarding the safety measures at our school. In line with our commitment to enhance security practices, all NYC Public Schools will have a Safer Access system installed during the 2023-25 school years. The Safer Access system is designed to strengthen our existing safety and security practices as part of the overall visitor protocols at our school.

What is Safer Access?

The primary objective of the Safer Access system is to ensure that all doors remain locked outside of the morning-entry and afternoon-dismissal periods. When school doors are locked, visitors wishing to gain access to the building will ring the intercom at the main entrance door (or ADA-accessibility entrance if applicable) and identify themselves before access is granted into the school building. Safer Access allows our dedicated staff assigned to the main desk (School Safety Agents and/or school staff) to be able to see and speak with visitors before granting them access inside. Please be assured that all visitors to our school will continue to be treated with courtesy, professionalism, and respect while awaiting entry into our building. In addition to enhancing safety, this system allows for easy access for first responders during an emergency.

Once our Safer Access system is installed and operational, our school staff (including School Safety Agents) and students will receive training on using the system as well as how to support all visitors in accordance with our policy.

We believe Safer Access will greatly contribute to maintaining a secure learning environment for our students and staff.

We look forward to the NYC Public Schools Safer Access system creating a safer environment for everyone. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued support in keeping our school community safe.


Warm regards,


Tarek Alamarie

September 2024

Dear Families,

We have some important news to share regarding the safety measures at our school. In line with our commitment to enhance security practices, all NYC Public Schools will have a Safer Access system installed during the 2023-25 school years. The Safer Access system is designed to strengthen our existing safety and security practices as part of the overall visitor protocols at our school.

What is Safer Access?

The primary objective of the Safer Access system is to ensure that all doors remain locked outside of the morning-entry and afternoon-dismissal periods. When school doors are locked, visitors wishing to gain access to the building will ring the intercom at the main entrance door (or ADA-accessibility entrance if applicable) and identify themselves before access is granted into the school building. Safer Access allows our dedicated staff assigned to the main desk (School Safety Agents and/or school staff) to be able to see and speak with visitors before granting them access inside. Please be assured that all visitors to our school will continue to be treated with courtesy, professionalism, and respect while awaiting entry into our building. In addition to enhancing safety, this system allows for easy access for first responders during an emergency.

Once our Safer Access system is installed and operational, our school staff (including School Safety Agents) and students will receive training on using the system as well as how to support all visitors in accordance with our policy.

We believe Safer Access will greatly contribute to maintaining a secure learning environment for our students and staff.

We look forward to the NYC Public Schools Safer Access system creating a safer environment for everyone. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued support in keeping our school community safe.

Warm regards,


Tarek Alamarie

Dear Parents:


We are committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for all students in our school. The NYPD’s School Safety Division has assisted us in achieving this goal and in implementing a coordinated approach to school safety. As part of the safety initiative for New York City Schools, on some days students will be required to go through metal scanning machines like the kind used to screen airline passengers for the purpose of detecting weapons. These scanning devices, deployed by the NYPD’s School Safety Division, will identify not only weapons but other objects that are never permitted in our building and will help us to keep everyone safe in our school.


As you know, there are items that students are prohibited from bringing to school. These items listed in the Citywide Behavioral Expectations to Support Student Learning (Discipline Code) include but are not limited to blades, knives, other sharp metal instruments, etc. Students who bring these items to school may be subject to disciplinary measures. Procedures for use of scanning devices in our schools are contained in Chancellor’s Regulation A-432 on Search and Seizure which is available on the Department of Education’s Website. You can also request a copy from my office. We recommend that you review the Discipline Code with your child to become familiar with what items are prohibited in schools.


The scanning machines will not be at our school every day, but students must be prepared every day to successfully pass through scanners. Students must have their school photo I.D. and/or program card ready and visible before entering the building. Student backpacks, as well as all metal objects (keys, belts, coins, jewelry, etc), will go through the scanner. So if students place all metal objects in their backpack before reaching the scanner this will help the line to move quickly. Students who are not properly prepared for scanning may be required to go through a second, hand-held scan that may delay their arrival to their first class.


I hope that students will be attentive and follow instructions from all School Safety Agents and school staff and be sensitive to other students waiting to be scanned to enter the building. We will be reviewing details of the scanning process with your child in school this week.


I need your support in making this safety measure successful. Please discuss this safety procedure with your child. They must leave prohibited items at home, go quickly through scanning, and enter the building on time in the morning. I know that your child's safety is your number one concern. We are doing everything possible to ensure that all students have a safe learning environment in which they can achieve their full potential.


I am confident that this additional security resource will enhance the safety of everyone in our community. If you have questions regarding the policies and procedures on scanning, please don't hesitate to call us.

I thank you in advance for your support.



Tarek Alamarie