Ms. K Gibbons » Bio


Hello beautiful people!


My name is Ms. Gibbons and I am one of the  ISS English teachers here at Richmond Hill High School. I am excited to be a part of this community, and am eagerly looking forward to teach and be taught by all of you. I truly believe that teaching is a revolving door that continually needs the energy of every individual to keep it moving. As long as we stay focused and work hard, the results will speak for themselves.


Growing up, I always heard that “Brooklyn is where it’s at” but contrary to that jargon, I always managed to exude the South American/West Indian culture I was raised in. I am a strong advocate for staying true to one’s roots and an even bigger one for respect, hard work, and purpose.


One of the guiding quotes in my life, that I often reflect on, is one by the famous Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”Question is, where do you stand? What talents do you possess? Put those thoughts into action and let your pencil do the talking.


I look forward to working with you all, Welcome!


Gibbons out!


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